Track Cover





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Usage instructions for tracks available in the Music Library


Youtube (and Vimeo)

If you only use music from the Music Library in your video, you can add this credit:

Songs by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™

If you also use music from different artist in the same video, it needs to be a bit more specific:

'Write song name here' by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™
Timestamp: 'Add timestamps for the song'



Add Music by @iksontellyourstory to the post description.


- This only applies to videos edited with third party software and then uploaded to Instagram.

- If you add the music natively from Reels audio library, credit is added automatically.

- If you edit with InShot and add one of my songs included in their app, credit is not needed, but appreciated. (applies to both non-commercial / commercial posts)



Add Music by @iksonmusic to the post description. 

Update 3 April,2023: Unfortunately it is no longer secure to use my music on Facebook, even though I give my full permission.
Facebook is seemingly claiming videos for copyright and regardless if I help out and remove the claim, monetisation is lost.

I recommend to use other music on Facebook 


- This only applies to videos edited with third party software and then uploaded to Facebook.

- If you add the music natively from Facebook's audio library, credit is added automatically.


Twitch / Livestreaming in general

For usage of tracks available within the Music Library in your livestream, please add the credit that fits your scenario:

If you only use my music in your stream, add the following:

Music in stream by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™

If you use a mixture of different artists music in your stream including mine, add the following:

Parts of the music used in this stream is by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™



Below each track in the Music Library you'll find a TikTok button that leads you to that audio page on TikTok, where you can save the song. 

TikTok adds music credit automatically if you add songs from their library, so in such case no additional credit needs to be written in the description. 



Write @ikson, see the option that pops up and select to tag TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™ page

If you use multiple different sounds from different artist please specify when you use my songs.



Add Music by @TYSmbyikson



If you use it in just one episode: credit should be added in that specific episode’s description.

If you use in the entire Podcast (let's say as an intro): Credit should be added in the Podcast description.

Credit example: Music in episode from TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™ 



For usage on websites, credit should be added in such a way that the visitor easily can find it, in the context in which the music is used.

Link to or one of my other Ikson social media accounts.

Note: If you have embedded a Youtube/Vimeo video on your website and that video uses my music, credit only needs to be added to the video description of the upload on those platforms.